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After everybody had haw hawed and cracked his joke over Obadiah's last repetition of the anecdote, Peleg observed: "I dunno's az a feller kin blame Perez fer givin intew her. The gal's derned hansum, though she be mos' too black complected."

"o jo Dont go, but cum an see me as soon as iver ye can "yours til deth. "p.s. the piggs is quite livly but ther not so hansum heer as in the owld country, don't forgit to rite to your susan." No one can conceive the indignation that swelled the broad chest of honest John Bumpus when he listened to the laughter with which some parts of this letter were received.

Tom laid his paper down and folded it on his knee. "Lookin' well, am I?" he answered. "Well, I'm a delicate weakly sort of fellow in general, I am, and it's encouraging to hear that I'm looking well." Mr. Stamps laughed rather spasmodically. "I wouldn't be agin bein' the same kind o' weakly myself," he said, "nor the same kind o' delycate. You're a powerfle hansum man, Tom."

On the Plains of Abraham there was onct some tall fitin', and ever since then there has been a great demand for the bones of the slew'd on that there occasion. But the real ginooine bones was long ago carried off, and now the boys make a hansum thing by cartin' the bones of hosses and sheep out there, and sellin' 'em to intelligent American towerists.

An' den de Jay he tell him good-mornin', an' went on ter Miss Robin's house. Well, hit pyeart like Miss Robin wuz mo' cole dan uzhul dat day, an' by'mby de Jay Bird, fur ter warm her up, sez, 'Yer lookin' mighty hansum dis mornin', sezee. An' sez she, 'I'm proud ter hyear yer say so; but, speakin' uv hansum, sez she, 'hev yer seed Mr. Peckerwood lately?

'Sam, said he, 'don't call me that are, except when we are alone here, that's a good soul; not that I am proud, for I am a true Republican; and he put his hand on his heart, bowed and smiled hansum, 'but these people will make a nickname of it, and we shall never hear the last of it; that's a fact. We must respect ourselves, afore others will respect us. You onderstand, don't you?

Shut me up in a 'sarvatory with a hansum gall of a rainy day, and see if I don't think she is the sweetest flower in it. Yes, I am glad it is the dinner-bell, for I ain't ready to marry yet, and when I am, I guess I must get a gall where I got my hoss, in Old Connecticut, and that state takes the shine off of all creation for geese, galls and onions, that's a fact.

I never did nothin' better in all my born days. I hope I may be shot, if I did. Ha! ha! ha! ain't it rich? Don't it cut six inches on the rib of clear shear, that. Oh! it's hansum, that's a fact." "It's no use to talk about it, Mr. Slick," I replied; "I plead guilty. You took me in then. You touched a weak point.

He told us, however, some stories that was rather too much to be easily swallerd. In fack, my Uncle Wilyim was not a emblem of trooth. He retired some years ago on a hansum comptency derived from the insurance-money he received on a rather shaky skooner he owned, and which turned up while lyin at a wharf one night, the cargo havin fortnitly been removed the day afore the disastriss calamty occurd.

I'll come down hansum, and do the thing genteel, you may depend. Then, sais you, 'put in for a back ground that noble, old Noah-like lookin' wood, that's as dark as comingo. Have you done? sais you. "'I guess so, sais he. "'Then put in a brook jist in front of it, runnin' over stones, and foamin' and a bubblin' up like any thing. "'It's in, sais he.