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But this man, making a rash and foolish effort to steal second, was given the eighteenth-century punishment of death for theft, Heady having made a perfect throw from the plate. The Charleston short-stop reached second on a fly muffed by the Kingston right-fielder the first error made by this excellent player. And now once more the redoubtable Charleston catcher appeared at the bat.

And now the umpire had upon his lips the fatal words: "Strike three!" For as he looked down the line traced in the air by the ball, he saw that Tug had misjudged it. But for once science meant suicide; for though Tug struck wildly, the ball condescendingly curved down and fell full and fair upon the bat, and danced off again over the first baseman's head and toward the feet of the right-fielder.

What a handy right-fielder he was!" " Sir Reynold's three brothers, Sir Damus, Sir Priamus, Sir Kay the Stranger " "My peerless short-stop! I've seen him catch a daisy-cutter in his teeth. Come, I can't stand this!" " Sir Driant, Sir Lambegus, Sir Herminde, Sir Pertilope, Sir Perimones, and whom do you think?" "Rush! Go on." "Sir Gaheris, and Sir Gareth both!" "Oh, incredible!

The Kingston center-fielder was presented with a base on balls, which forced the right-fielder to second base. Now Reddy recovered sufficiently to strike out the next Charleston batter, though the one after him sent into right field a long, low fly, which the Kingston right-fielder caught on the first bound, and hurled furiously to third base to head off the Charleston runner.