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"Now, if the owld gentleman would only dispose of his pipe and a ton or two of tobaccy to me, or make me a prisent of 'em, I'd lave and feel aisy." A few more brass buttons procured this also, and our friends had good cause to feel delighted over the result of the bargain.

He sung Darius great and good, By too severe a fate Fallen, fallen, fallen, fallen, Fallen from his high estate, And wiltering in his blood. Mrs. Dodd. I think you exaggerate. I will answer for Julia that she shall speak as distinctly to music as you do in conversation. Time will show, madam. At prisent they seem to be in no hurry to spatter us with their word-jelly.

"It's mesilf that would like to ax a conundrum," said Mickey, "provided that none of the gintlemin prisent object to the same." Sut gave the Irishman to understand that he was always pleased to hear any inquiry from him, if he asked it respectfully. "The question is this: How long are we to kape thramping along in this shtyle? Is it to be for one wake or two, or for a month?

Howard had but little to tell, and that was soon given, and they were left to speculate and conjecture on the future. Tim's joy drowned his craving for his tobacco, and as he joined in the glowing conversation of the boys he made no reference to it. "I think for the prisent," he remarked, "we won't take any hunts upon shore, especially if aich of us has to go alone.

That old boy will be holdin' down his job whin there's a resignation fr'm th' supreeme coort bench at Wash'nton, says I. 'Th' first thing ye young Turks know ye'll-be gettin' a prisent fr'm ye'er sov'reign iv a necktie, says I, 'an' it won't fit ye, says I. "Well, sir, I was wrong. I knew I was wrong th' minyit I see a pitcher iv Abdul Hamid in th' pa-aper a snap-shot, mind ye!

"No, I'm not a mother, Maggie, and I never shall be." Maggie looked at her in absolute incomprehension. "I thought you was cryin' for me, an' Jim, an' all our prisent troubles, but I belave yer cryin' for " Mrs. McCann stopped short; she was still staring at Aileen who suddenly lifted her brimming eyes to hers. What Mrs.

The only perceptible difference in their prowess was, that the mayor stood at least a head and a half taller than the major. By my faith, then, I'm deloighted to prisent ye to the gintleman we all mane to 'onor. Meiger Roger Jefferson Potter!" "Major Roger Sherman Potter, commonly called Major Roger Potter!" the major interrupted, with a deferential bow.

"Well, sor," he declared, "I had me hyphen wit' me whin I shipped; as late as yestherd'y afthernoon 'twas in good worrkin' ordher; but what wit' the exertion av chasin' our Gerrman crew round the decks, faith I've lost me hyphen, an' I'm thinkin' the skipper's lost his too. That's him forninst ye. For the prisent he's in dhrydock awaitin' repairs, which leaves me in command av the ship.

It is now full three weeks since I heard the whiz of a bullet; and I would advise you, as a friend, not to waste any of your powder and ball upon the prisent occasion. It would only be a buz and blow by business, Captain: for, by the holy limb of Luke, I never yet saw lead that durst look me in the face. We should be glad to be alone, sir.

"Be jabers!" exclaimed "His Majesty," "that's good! that's nate! that's illigant! I couldn't bate that mesilf, an' I hope that all the ladies prisent will join in that sintimint." As he spoke, "His Majesty" looked hard at Katie, but that young lady did not catch the royal eye.