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And not long after, this was confirmed by a spatter of bullets against the rocks. The defenders made a spirited reply, and several volleys were exchanged. But the mutineers were in the shelter of the wood. Ditty knew that the pistol bullets of his men would do little damage at long range. There came an ominous pause. "They're getting ready now," said Captain Hamilton quietly.

But in spirit she was unhappy. The talk went on like a rattle of small artillery, always slightly sententious, with a sententiousness that was only emphasised by the continual crackling of a witticism, the continual spatter of verbal jest, designed to give a tone of flippancy to a stream of conversation that was all critical and general, a canal of conversation rather than a stream.

"Done? About what?" I remember my cousin peering curiously at him through the smoke and spatter of the sausage he was frying. "About Josh, of course, and her. I tell you, Dunc, 'tain't right, and I'll not bear it.

"Might be real country, looking this way, mightn't it? Except the Naylors' place Oh, and Tower Cottage there are no houses between this and Sprotsfield." The wind blew shrewdly, with an occasional spatter of rain; the withered bracken lay like a vast carpet of dull copper-color under the cloudy sky; scattered fir-trees made fantastic shapes in the early gloom of a December day.

His eyes travelled from it to the muddy footprints of the two who had come in from the garden and to the spatter of earth-daubed leaves on the polished floor, and his mouth drew down at the corners in a grimace of passion that made Ellen long to run to him and kiss him and bid him not give way to the madness of order so prevalent in this house.

"Well, then, you stay in there till you get dry It's well you didn't have your new clothes on." "Ain't I glad 'bout dem!" enthusiastically ex-claimed the young African. "Nebber mind dese clo'es. De water on 'em's all good, dry water, like de res' ob de bay." And, so saying, Dick tumbled over in, with a spatter which made Ford Foster tread on two of three crabs in getting away from it.

He sung Darius great and good, By too severe a fate Fallen, fallen, fallen, fallen, Fallen from his high estate, And wiltering in his blood. Mrs. Dodd. I think you exaggerate. I will answer for Julia that she shall speak as distinctly to music as you do in conversation. Time will show, madam. At prisent they seem to be in no hurry to spatter us with their word-jelly.

She liked clever people, people with flash and glitter, who could dance and talk with a spatter about everything like my brother. You can believe I wanted to know why she'd left him, if she'd ever gone to him. I said, 'I thought you were going out when I saw you, and she took the hint. We went down again and out into the Strand.

I can use as bad diction as I please and the long arm of the English department can't reach out and spatter my mistakes with red ink." The election of officers didn't take long. It had all been cut and dried the night before, and the nominating committee named Betty for president and Shylock for secretary without even going through the formality of retiring to deliberate.

"No, old fellow; and thank you with all my heart. I've half made up my mind to live on my income for a while and take up that Chaosite matter again " "And blow yourself to smithereens! Why spatter Nature thus?" "No fear," said Selwyn, laughing. "And, if it promises anything, I may come to you for advice on how to start it commercially."