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Jimmy looked at Dannie's mud-covered, wet clothing, his blood-stained mittens and coat back, and the dripping bag he had rested on the bridge. "I've got some music in me head, and some action in me feet," he said, "but I guess God forgot to put much sintimint into me heart. The breath of spring niver got so strong with me that I could smell it above a bag of muskrats and me trappin' clothes."

If I don't nail this large man, she'll prob'ly kick in me head. An' with this sacred sintimint in his heart he wint over an' jolted Corbett wan over th' lathes that retired him to th' home f'r decayed actors. "'Twas woman's love that done it, Hinnissy.

And I says: "Stevey," I says, "I was born and bred on this coast," but Stevey Todd was that taken up with his points of argument to Madame Bill that he didn't have any interest in my beginnings, and I went off to find Flannagan. "Flannagan," I says, "I got a sentiment." "Sintimint, is it!" he says. "Come off! Ye salted codfish! If I ain't got tin to your one, I'm another," he says.

'I may've read it in th' Bible, though I think I saw it in a scand'lous book me frind Rhodes left in his bedroom las' time he called on me, that ye shud niver discard an ace to dhraw to a flush, he says. 'I deplore th' language but th' sintimint is sound, he says.

That's what old age means; an' now another year has been put on to what we had befure, an' we're expected to be gay. 'Ring out th' old, says a guy at th' Brothers' School. 'Ring out th' old, ring in th' new, he says. 'Ring out th' false, ring in th' thrue, says he. It's a pretty sintimint, Hinnissy; but how ar-re we goin' to do it?

L., Darcy and 'the docther, as he is called in Toronto; and thus it is, that although the three Toronto gintlemen that I now name, are, I honestly believe, deservedly respected and esteemed in every other relation of life, they belong body and sowl to the English sintimint of the counthry; and if the most favorable opportunity was offered them to-morrow, would never raise a helpin hand to place the green above the red.

Th' rayciption that this here sintimint has rayceived fr'm ivry wan that has a son in colledge is almost tumulchuse. We feel like a long-lost brother that's been settin' outside in th' cold f'r a week, an' is now ast in to supper an' sarched at th' dure f'r deadly weepins. We'll have to set up sthraight an' mind our manners.

"Be jabers!" exclaimed "His Majesty," "that's good! that's nate! that's illigant! I couldn't bate that mesilf, an' I hope that all the ladies prisent will join in that sintimint." As he spoke, "His Majesty" looked hard at Katie, but that young lady did not catch the royal eye.

Now that same wild Irishman has as much gratitude in him as any tame Englishman of them all. But don't let's be talking sintimint; for, for my share I'd not give a bogberry a bushel for sintimint, when I could get anything better. Lord J. And pray, sir, what may a bogberry be? Rory. Phoo! don't be playing the innocent, now.