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Regis Lake, layin' in a store of jerked venison, and trappin' martin, and mink, and muskrat, and huntin' wolves, and sich other wild animals as came in our way. The scalp of a wolf was good for fifteen dollars in them days, and a backload of furs was worth a heap of money.

"Slingerland, I'm glad to see you, even if it did cut me," said Neale, more rationally. "I'm surprised, too. Are you here with a load of pelts?" "No. Boys, I hed to give up trappin'. I couldn't stand the loneliness after after... An' now I'm killin' buffalo meat for the soldiers an' the construction gangs. Jest got in on thet train with a car-load of fresh meat." "Buffalo meat," echoed Neale.

"'Cause you're my next of kin. By rights it had oughter come to you, hadn't it?" "I don't know the New Hampshire laws." With an admiring glance at her niece, Ellen broke into an unpleasant laugh. "There's no trappin' you, Miss Lucy Webster, is there?" she exclaimed, rising from her chair and clapping on her hat. "You're a cute one, an awful cute one!" "Why?"

"Where are you going from here when your Sea Spell sails, Captain Tugg?" I asked the Yankee animal collector. "Goin' to make the Straits," drawled he. "Goin' right back to headquarters for a bit. Mebbe we'll keep the old schooner in commission I'm taking down light cargo for headquarters now. But I leave most of the actual snarin' and trappin' of the critters to the Injuns and to the Professor.

"Moncrossen's got a gang Shtromberg's in ut, an' a Frinch cruiser named Lebolt, an' a boot-leggin' tree-spotter named Creed, that lives in Hilarity, an' a couple av worthless divils av sawyers that's too lazy fer honest wor-rk, but camps t'rough th' winter, trappin' an sawin' bird's-eye an calico ash on other men's land.

"But what do I care about trapping beaver?" he cried. "You know I wouldn't trap anything. If I had to kill anything, I'd shoot it, and put it out of misery as quick as I could!" "I know all that," responded Jabe. "But trappin' is somethin' ye want to understand, all the same.

I git along well enough in the trappin' and shootin' way without 'em; but I'm sorry I never learned to read. Ah! I've a great opinion of books so I have." The worthy hunter shook his head solemnly as he said this in a low voice, more to himself than to his companions, and he continued to mutter and shake his head for some minutes, while he knocked the ashes out of his pipe.

"Say," he exclaimed suddenly, after the Boy had prodded him with a searching jibe. "If ye'll let up on that snore, now, I'll take a day off from my cruisin', and show ye somethin' myself." "Good!" said the Boy. "It's a bargain. What will you show me?" "I'll take ye over to one of my ponds, in next valley, an' show ye all the different ways of trappin' beaver." The Boy's face fell.

Upon his return from these absences, it was noticed that his hands were usually bleeding, and his clothing stained and torn. "What in the name of mischief have you been doing now?" the director demanded on a day when Fairbanks's wardrobe was almost a total loss. "Trappin'," chirped the star.

An' Bill an' I, hyar, ain't in love with this railroad idee. It 'll ruin the country fer trappin' an' livin'." Some weeks later a gaunt and ragged cowboy limped into North Platte, walking beside a broken horse, upon the back of which swayed and reeled a rider tied in the saddle.