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Here is the "Dreacle Piple," berfect, from tidel page to the last line of Revelations. Here is efery blay-pill that has ever been issued at Her Majesty's Theatre from the time it vas opened until now. He patted and fondled his treasure with a smiling pride and affection. Nopoty stobs in my house a minute who touches my books.

So in ze evening, ven all were asleep, I writet one letter to my lantlort, ant laid it on ze table in his room. Zen I taket my tresses, tree Thaler of money, ant go mysteriously into ze street. Nopoty have seen me, ant I go on ze roat." "I had not seen my Mamma for nine year, ant I know not whether she lived or whether her bones had long since lain in ze dark grave.

Upon me vas one blue trousers, uniforms of very goot clos, fifteen of Thalers, ant one silver clock which my Vater hat given me, Ze Frans Soldaten took from me everysing. For my happiness zere vas sree tucats on me which my Mamma hat sewn in my shirt of flannel. Nopoty fount zem. "I liket not long to stay in ze fortresses, ant resoluted to ron away.

'Nopoty loaf you, pot I will not exchange you for somepoty in ze worlt, One zing your Mutter pegs you, to rememper, sayt she to me, 'learn vell, ant be efer one honest man; zen Got will not forsake you. Ant I triet so to become. Ven my fourteen year hat expiret, ant me coult partake of ze Holy Sopper, my Mutter sayt to my Vater, 'Karl is one pig poy now, Kustaf.

If I would not lose my bay and commission, I would kick de colonel, kiss his vife, and put my cane thro' his vinder. I don't care von damn for nopoty no more." 1 Marooning differs from pic-nicing in this the former continues several days, the other lasts but one. 2 Cahoot is one of the new coinage, and in Mexico, means a band or cavalcade.

"Yes," he resumed as he leant back in his arm-chair and adjusted his dressing-gown, "I have experiencet many sings in my life, pot zere is my witness," here he pointed to an image of the Saviour, embroidered on wool, which was hanging over his bed "zat nopoty in ze worlt can say zat Karl Ivanitch has been one dishonest man, I would not repay black ingratitude for ze goot which Mister L dit me, ant I resoluted to ron away.

I am a boet. Do you hear me, younk Armstronk? I am a boet I am a berson of imachination. I can invent. I can gontrive. There is nopoty in the vorlt who can gonstruct a blot like me. But I gannot egspress myself. Now, you gan egspress me; that is your desdiny. You will egspress Cheorge Dargo. You will descend to future aitches as the dranslader of Cheorge Dargo.

If you burchase it, it is yours, and nopoty can take it away. Honesty is the best policy. And, pesides that, I am Cheorge Dargo. I know my way apout. Paul could have hugged him for sheer joy at hearing the familiar brag again: 'I am Cheorge Dargo. The old countersign was like music. 'Where are we going? asked Paul.

"Now, tat prate kot life in udt yoost teh same like your own selluf, Toctor. Tot prate kot yoost so much sense ass Reisen kot. Ovver, Toctor Toctor" the Doctor was giving his attention to Richling, who was explaining something "Toctor, toandt you come here uxpectin' to see nopoty sick, less-n udt iss Mr. Richlun."

Broser Johann must not serve; ME shall pe Soldat. Karl is for nopoty necessary, and Karl shall pe Soldat. "'You is one honest man, Karl, sayt Papa, ant kiss me. Ant me was Soldat." "Zat was a terrible time, Nicolinka," continued Karl Ivanitch, "ze time of Napoleon. He vanted to conquer Germany, ant we protected our Vaterland to ze last trop of plot.