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Small and even medium sized members such as the United Kingdom are marginalized. As the EU grows to 25 countries, a core of leadership will emerge. It will involve Germany, France and, potentially the UK and Italy. These will hand down blueprints to be fleshed out by the less significant states and by an increasingly sidelined European Commission and a make-believe European Parliament.

'We won't need journalists any more when a good browser for News groups is available', Michael Hauben of Columbia University warned two years ago. 'The more people there are on-line, the more marginalized the professional information media will be. This is rubbish.

Persistent, unmitigated support for the USA in spite of French-German exhortations will jeopardize the new and aspiring members' position in an enlarged EU. Accession is irreversible but they can find themselves isolated and marginalized in decision making processes and dynamics long after the Iraqi dust has settled. EU officials already gave public warnings to this effect.

A "German Bloc" within the EU is conceivable unless Poland defects to the increasingly marginalized French or to the British. Germany's federalist instincts its express plan to create a "United States of Europe", central government and all are, therefore, understandable, though spurned by the candidate countries. Germany is likely to press for even further enlargement to the east.

It was a very common thing for Edison to write the words 'Yes' or 'No, and this would be all I had on which to base my answer. Edison marginalized documents extensively.