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So that few had time, now, to talk of Rudolph Musgrave and Clarice Pendomer; for it was not in Lichfieldian human nature to discuss a mere domestic imbroglio when here, also in the Musgrave family, was a picturesque and gory assassination to lay tongue to. So Colonel Musgrave was duly reëlected that spring to the librarianship of the Lichfield Historical Association, and the name of Mrs.

Roger Stapylton refurnished the house in the extreme degree of Lichfieldian elegance.

But of Anne Charteris he saw very little nowadays. And, indeed, it was of her own choice that Anne lived apart from Lichfieldian junketings, contented with her dreams and her pride therein, and her remorseful tender memories of the things she might have done for Jack and had not done lived upon exalted levels nowadays, to which the colonel's more urbane bereavement did not aspire.

Lichfield felt that only showed what came of treating poor-white trash as your equals, and gloried in the salutary moral. Meanwhile the two originators of so much Lichfieldian diversion were not unhappy. But indeed it were irreverent even to try to express the happiness of their earlier married life ...

In a phrase, the post card which pictures "E 9436 Grave of John Charteris" is among the seven similar misinterpretations of localities most frequently demanded in Lichfieldian drugstores and news-stands. Her victoria had paused a trifle farther up the hill, where two big sycamores overhung the roadway.