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A high ruff encircled his neck, from which also depended one of the Beggar's medals, with the motto, "Fideles au roy jusqu'a la besace," while a loose surcoat of grey frieze cloth, over a tawny leather doublet, with wide, slashed underclothes completed his costume. Gerard presented himself at the doorway, and demanded a passport.

"Smiley se gratta longtemps la tete, les yeux fixes sur Daniel; jusqu'a ce qu'enfin il dit: Je me demande comment diable il se fait que cette bete ait refuse . . . Est-ce qu'elle aurait quelque chose? . . . On croirait qu'elle est enflee. "Il empoigne Daniel par la peau du cou, le souleve et dit: Le loup me croque, s'il ne pese pas cinq livres.

While we are dropping down the coast, I may as well employ the time in giving you a rapid sketch of the commencement of this fine Norse people, though the story "remonte jusqu'a la nuit des temps," and has something of the vague magnificence of your own M'Donnell genealogy, ending a long list of great potentates, with "somebody, who was the son of somebody else, who was the son of Scotha, who was the daughter of Pharaoh!"

He is the very quintessence of a declaimer, but a declaimer of a most masculine sort. Boileau characterises him in two epigrammatic lines: "Juvenal eleve dans les cris de l'ecole Poussa jusqu'a l'exces son mordant hyperbole." Poet in the highest sense of the word he certainly is not. The love of beauty, which is the touchstone of the poetic soul, is absent from his works.

Je reprends pourtant dans ce moment meme la publication periodique des livraisons de mon histoire; elles seront envoyees chaque semaine a Mr. Burton comme a vous, et je serai bienheureux si vous me dites qu'elles vous interessent autant que les precedents volumes. Pardon, my dear Sir, de ne pas vous en dire davantage. Je suis au Val Richer jusqu'a la fin de l'annee.

His repeated assertion, that they wished to establish themselves in the Valley of the Mississippi, receives confirmation from, a document entitled, Memoire sur la proposition a faire parles R. Peres Jesuites pour la decouverte des environs de la riviere du Mississipi et pour voir si elle est navigable jusqu'a la mer.

"Yes, madame; I wish it were a cannon in defence of La Pologne." With this magniloquent aspiration, the gallant Sovolofski pulled lustily, and then rubbed his fingers, with a little grimace, observing that crackers were sometimes dangerous, and that the present combustible was d'une force immense. "Helas! J'ai cru jusqu'a ce jour Pouvoir triompher de l'amour,"

I had received seven wounds; a surgeon slept in my room, and I was saved by excessive bleeding." Never, indeed, had the national bravery of the French people been more nobly shown. One soldier in the French ranks was seen, when his arm was shattered by a cannon-ball, to wrench it off with the other; and throwing it up in the air, he exclaimed to his comrades, "Vive l'Empereur jusqu'a la mort!"

Four years before, a projected attack on Quebec by a British fleet, under Admiral Wheeler, had come to nought from analogous causes. The French spared no pains to gain accurate information as to the strength of the English settlements. Among other reports on this subject there is a curious Memoire sur les Etablissements anglois au dela de Pemaquid, jusqu'a Baston.

Ce que j'ai toujours desire faire c'est de la peinture; mes efforts dans cette direction n'ont pas abouti jusqu'a present, mais si j'avais un peu de temps libre, je saurais mieux faire a cause de mon experience de critique; je vois maintenant dans quel sens il faut travailler. "Je vis a Londres aussi simplement que possible et pourtant mes sejours y sont tres couteux.