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Updated: August 1, 2024

14 If we chance to meete with any enemies, that foure ships shall attend vpon the Admirall, viz. the Francis of Foy, the Moone, the Barke Dennis, and the Gabriel: and foure vpon my Lieutenant generall in the Iudith, viz. the Hopewel, the Armenal, the Beare, and the Salomon: and the other foure vpon the Vizadmirall, the Anne Francis, the Thomas of Ipswich, the Emmanuel, and the Michael.

5 Nicolaus de London, rectore Thoma Forster, onerata cum vuis siccis, valore Florenorum 4800. In tempore Romadan Beglerbegi Argiræ spoliatæ et ereptæ naues, merces, et homines. 1 Iudith de London, rectore Iacobo Beare, cum hominibus 24. valore Florenorum 3100. 2 Iesus de London, rectore Andræa Dier, cum 21. hominibus.

1 In the Aide being Admirall, was the Generall Captaine Frobisher. 2 In the Thomas Allen Viceadmirall Captaine Yorke. 3 In the Iudith Lieutenant generall Captaine Fenton. 4 In the Anne Francis Captaine Best. 5 In the Hopewell Captaine Carew. 6 In the Beare Captaine Filpot. 7 In the Thomas of Ipswich Captaine Tanfield. 8 In the Emmanuel of Exceter Captaine Courtney.

For euen at this present we missed two of the fleete, that is, the Iudith, wherein was the Lieutenant Generall Captaine Fenton; and the Michael, whom both we supposed had bene vtterly lost, hauing not heard any tidings of them in moe then 20 dayes before.

Now seeing I haue entreated so much of the Iudith and the Michael: I will returne to the rest of the other ships, and will speake a little of the storme which fell, with the mishaps that we had, the night that we put into the yce: whereof I made mention before.

Thus we continued in our course vntill the second of Iuly, on which day we fell with the Queenes foreland, where we saw so much yce, that we thought it vnpossible to get into the Straights; yet at the last we gaue the aduenture and entred the yce. The Iudith. M. Fenton. They found also diuers engins, as bowes, slings, and darts.

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