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"Look a yere, Marse Marcy," said Julius, "Marse Jack done tol' me it plum time for me to stan' by to tell what's de troof, an' I ain't done nuffin else sence he tol' me dat. De Yankees did guv you dat hand, you done got one brother in de navy, an' dat's all I tol' dat rebel. I didn't say you a rebel you'self, kase dat would be a plum lie; an' all de black ones knows it."

I was about to make some further inquiry when a bell above us began to sound forth sonorously. "Massy me!" cried little Sambo, springing to his place in front of the chair. "Dat's de third an' lass call for breakfas'. We done spent too much time talkin'." With which observation, he and his companion, shouldering their burden, trotted along the richly furnished hall to the dining-room.

I jest happen to know dat in dis worl' dey's wicked people dat'll stoop deeper'n sin fer a dime; an' dey's onery people, so mis'ably onery, dat's afeerd to call dey soul dey own; an' dar's still anurr kind what ain' had no trainin', so when a stylish gemman comes 'long dey's mighty apt to go wrong, 'caze dey ain' had a faih show.

Dey married quiet, wid a broomstick, an' de nex' Sunday walked in chu'ch together, took de same pew, an' he turned her pages mannerly for her an' dat's de ladylikest behavior Silvy ever been guilty of in her life, I reckon. She an' him can't nair one of 'em read, but dey sets still an' holds de book an' turns de pages an' Gord Hisself couldn't ax no mo' for chu'ch behavior.

She'll go back to the wigwam of her father, and I'll go and have a jolly good splitting gallop across the Pampas with Pedro and Quashy." "Dat's just de bery best t'ing what you can do, massa." Lawrence turned round abruptly, and found that his faithful servant was hurrying after him, and grinning tremendously. "Why, you're always laughing, Quash," said the youth, a little sharply.

Dey do say de Chisolms an' folks lak' em used to run 'roun' wid de Yankees. Maybe dat's how come dey was diffe'nt. Even 'fore de Yankees come a-tall, when Mr. "'Mr. John Gully he'p Mr. Chisolm git to be judge, but he turnt out to be worse dan dem he had to judge. Mr. Gully an' de others made 'im resign. I reckon maybe dat's why he quit bein' a Democratic an' started ructions wid Mr. Gully.

How dare you think such a thing!" replied Dan, sternly; for he was vexed enough to pitch Cyd overboard for indulging in such a suspicion. "Mossifus! Dat's jus de way dis chile was." "Silence! She has fainted. She is better now. See! She is opening her eyes."

"Not to-morrow, but Sunday we will go together." He shook his head. "To-morrow, Necia! An' I go alone." "Then you won't marry me?" she asked, in a hushed and frightened voice. "No! Dere's wan t'ing I can't do even for you, Necia, dere's wan t'ing I can't geeve, dat's all jus' wan on all de worl'. I can't kill de li'l' god wit' de bow an' arrer.

For a moment there was portentous silence on the part of Colonel Ashley. He gazed at his dangling line and at the straightened pole. Then he solemnly said: "Shag!" "Yes, sah, Colonel!" "What happened?" "By golly, Colonel! dat's whut I'd laik t' know. Must hab been a shootin' star, or suffin laik dat! I never done see "

"Des es ready es ef 'twuz fer Kingdom Come, Ole Miss, en dar ain' gwine be no better dinner on Jedgment Day nurr, I don' cyar who gwine cook hit. You des tase dis yer sass dat's all I ax, you des tase dis yer sass." "You taste it, Betty," begged Mrs.