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"Listen to me," said the girl, quietly. "I want you to talk slowly so I may not misunderstand. If you marry me, must you forego all those great things you speak of your profession, your family, your future?" "Don't let's talk about it, Necia; I've got you, and " "Please answer me," she urged. "I thought I understood, but I'm afraid I don't. I thought it was my being a breed that stood in the way "

I s'pose it mus' be purty dull on dem beeg town; now'ere to go, not'in' to see 'cept lot of houses." "Yes," said Necia, "I've no doubt one would get tired of it soon, and long for something to do and something really worth while, but I should like to try it once, and I shall as soon as I'm rich enough. Won't you come along?"

You leave Runnion to me," Burrell was saying. "No man shall lay hands on him except me " His voice trailed away; he rose slowly to his feet, a strange light on his face. The others turned to see what sight had drawn his eyes. In the opening, all splendid with the golden sunlight, stood Necia and Poleon Doret, who had her by the hand and she was smiling!

Now that she was a woman, and had seen him tried, and knew he was a man, he would bring his burden of prosperity and lay it at her feet, saying: "Here is another offering, my Necia, and with it go the laughter and the music and the heart of Poleon Doret."

During the hours while he had waited for Necia to discover his identity, the man's mind had not been idle; he had determined to take what fortune tossed into his lap. Had she been the unknown, unnoticed half-breed of a month or two before, he would not have wasted thought upon priests or vows, but now that a strange fate had worked a change in her before the world, he accepted it.

You may be right." "If it's true I'll shuffle up a hand for that soldier." "If I were you I wouldn't deal it to him," said the gambler, dryly. "He may not cut to your break." Meanwhile, Necia had passed on out of the town and through the Indian village at the mouth of the creek, until high up on the slopes she saw Alluna and the little ones.

I suppose you're Old Man Gale's other daughter eh?" Necia nodded. "What time of day was it when you learned about this?" "Cut that out," roughly interjected Gale. "Do you think I double-crossed you?" The other turned upon him. "It looks that way, and I intend to find out. You said yesterday you hadn't told anybody "

His voice and manner were harsh and at utter variance with any mood he had ever displayed before; nor would he explain his unreasoning fury, but strode out again, leaving her in tears and the Frenchman staring. During the weeks that followed Meade Burrell saw much of Necia.

You have made me love you, Necia. Can't you see?" She made no sign. "If you can't, I owe it to you and to myself to set you right. I am not ashamed to acknowledge my love, and even when you are married to Poleon I want you to know that I shall love you always." Even yet she made no sign. Was he not merely repeating the same empty words with which he had so often beguiled her?

"Poor little girl!" Necia was in a restless mood, and, remembering that Alluna and the children had gone berrying on the slopes behind the Indian village, she turned her way thither. All at once a fear of seeing Meade Burrell came upon her. She wanted to think this out, to find where she stood, before he had word with her.