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When the man at the wheel had gone through the nautical evolution involved in "luff," the captain turned to his son and said abruptly "We'll run for the Cocos-Keelin' Islands, Nigel, an' refit." "Are the Keeling Islands far off?" "Lift up your head and look straight along the bridge of your nose, lad, and you'll see them. They're an interesting group, are the Keelin' Islands.

When the man at the wheel had gone through the nautical evolution involved in "luff," the captain turned to his son and said abruptly "We'll run for the Cocos-Keelin' Islands, Nigel, an' refit." "Are the Keeling Islands far off?" "Lift up your head and look straight along the bridge of your nose, lad, and you'll see them. They're an interesting group, are the Keelin' Islands.

Hows'ever, put it as you t'ink best `Dear fadder, victual your ship; up anchor; hois' de sails, an' steer for de Cocos-Keelin' Islands. Go ashore; git hold ob do young 'ooman called Kat'leen Hobbleben." "Holbein, Moses." "What! is she Moses too?" "No, no! get on, man."

Hows'ever, put it as you t'ink best 'Dear fadder, victual your ship; up anchor; hois' de sails, an' steer for de Cocos-Keelin' Islands. Go ashore; git hold ob de young 'ooman called Kat'leen Hobbleben " "Holbein, Moses." "What! is she Moses too?" "No, no! get on, man."