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And perhaps that is why I did it. You are right. I haven't acted the part of a gentleman all through this miserable business. But what could you expect? For you see, my father worked his own way up, and my grandfather was a crofter and I haven't got the blood of Irish kings, on the other side, behind me. Now I'm being nasty, as you used to say in the old Bungroopim days when I wouldn't play.

'Colin, you take me back to Bungroopim when it happened to be a slack day for you on the run, and when the married couple had levanted and I'd got an incompetent black-gin in the kitchen or when the store wanted tidying and you and I had a good old spree amongst the rubbish. He laughed at a time-honoured joke.

She remembered, as if it had been yesterday, how McKeith, a raw youth of eighteen with a horrible tragedy at the back of his young life, had been picked up by her father and brought to Bungroopim to learn the work of a cattle-station.... hitherto his experience, such as it was, had been with sheep in the, then, unsettled north.

Of course, Biddy got up to turn out the goats which were butting with their horns under the floor of her bedroom. I've often got up myself in the old days at Bungroopim, when stray calves got into the garden, or the cockatoo disturbed our slumbers.

It appeared that it could be done all right as I wrote you. What would have been the good of my havering in that letter over my own feelings and the bad times I had struck? It never was my habit to whine over what couldn't be helped. Luck was up against me down there too. I got pitched off a buckjumper at a horse-dealers', Bungroopim way.

The cows and bullocks he left at Bungroopim when the time came for him to push out, reclaiming them after they had increased and multiplied in those pleasant pastures like Jacob's herds in the fields of Laban. Not that there was any seven years matrimonial question. There had been no Leah.