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According to the opinion of the teacher Audulomi, the highest Selfs being denoted by terms directly denoting the individual soul is due to the soul's becoming Brahman when departing from the body. Up. Up.

The text on which Audulomi relies, 'Having risen from this body, &c., does not declare that that which previously was not Brahman becomes such at the time of departure, but rather that the true nature of the soul which had previously existed already becomes manifest at the time of departure. This will be explained under IV, 4, 1.

When, therefore, the text attributes to the soul freedom from evil and the rest, it does not mean to predicate of it further positive qualities, but only to exclude all the qualities depending on avidya change, pleasure, pain, and so on For these reasons Audulomi holds that the released soul manifests itself as mere intelligence.

The teacher Audulomi is of opinion that the meditation on the Udgitha and the like is the work of the priest, since it is he who is engaged for the purpose of performing that which gives rise to the fruit, i.e. of the entire sacrifice with all its subordinate parts.

It is for these reasons that Jaimini holds that mere intelligence does not constitute the true nature of the released soul. In the sole nature of intelligence; as that is its Self. Thus Audulomi thinks. Up.