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"The boy is 'cute enough, and he loves reading," continued the dame; but I does not think the books he gets hold of will teach him the way to grow old." "And 'ow came he to read, anyhows?" "Ranting Rob, the strolling player, taught him his letters, and said he'd a deal of janius." "And why should not Ranting Rob tache the boy Latin and vartue?" There was a long silence; it was broken by Mr.

"Sure O'i can't plaze yez anyhows," I replied. "If you don't try to plaze me directly I'll punish you in a way you won't relish," he said laughingly. But I knew he was thinking of a punishment which I would have secretly enjoyed. "If you don't let me finish this work I'll make one of the men do it tonight by candle-light when they come home tired.

"Yes, as you was sayin', wife, an' I knows as you're always in the right, if the right be anyhows to be got at as you was sayin', I say, there's no sayin' when that same as we was a speakin' of the Almighty is the man I mean no sayin', I say, when he may come to see as we have, as I may say, had enough on it, an' turn an' let us have a taste o' luck again!

"Let's get on board, Ben," answered Kendric. "I'll tell you there." So they stepped into the dingey and pushed off and rowed back to the Half Moon. "There's a gent here says he's a frien' of your'n, Cap," said Ben. "Ah dunno. Anyhows, he's been here all day an' we're watchin' he don't make no mischief."

"Who tole ye ez I war hyar, anyhows?" he demanded angrily. "'Dosia," replied Justus Hoxon in a mild tone. Then, with an effort at exculpation, "I 'lowed ye'd be keen plumb sharp set fur news 'bout the prospec's o' the 'lection. An' she 'lowed ez ye hed kem down hyar hopin' ter git a deer. 'T war The'dosia."

Instead of this, he said to the landlord: 'She's in for a set-to agin. She's sure to quarrel with me if I interferes, so I'll just go on to the place and not spile sport. Don't let her kill the chap, though, Mr. Blyth, if you can anyways help it. Anyhows, I ain't a-goin' to be called in for witness. With that he left the house. The Gypsy girl looked at me from head to foot, and exclaimed,

I know, said Mrs Chick, 'for the same young person has made me many dresses. The very best materials, too! 'Lor, you'll be so smart, said Miss Tox, 'that your husband won't know you; will you, Sir? 'I should know her, said Toodle, gruffly, 'anyhows and anywheres. Toodle was evidently not to be bought over.

"The boy is 'cute enough, and he loves reading," continued the dame; "but I does not think the books he gets hold of will teach him the way to grow old." "And 'ow came he to read, anyhows?" "Ranting Rob, the strolling player, taught him his letters, and said he'd a deal of janius." "And why should not Ranting Rob tache the boy Latin and vartue?" There was a long silence; it was broken by Mr.