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However, the bear didn't have the laff on us altogether, for he had gone up an' down them trees so often an' so fast that he had worn all the hair off his stomach. "After a while we all gets tuckered out agen; an' while we rests in the trees me an' me pardner talks about the weather, lettin' on that there ain't no bear anywheres nigh. So the time passed.

Not I. I used to know him too well in my drinking days. He'll never disguise that look of that wicked eye of his from them as knows him well; and though he's got summat in his mouth to make him talk different, I could tell the twang of his ugly voice anywheres." "Well, Jim?" "Ah, but it ain't well, Thomas, I'm sorry to say: there's mischief, you may be sure, when the like of him's about.

Here's all I ask: When I die touch my eyelids soft an' draw 'em shut I've seen the look in a dead man's eyes. Close 'em, and I know I'll go to sleep an' have good dreams. And down in the middle of Morgantown is the buryin'-ground. I've ridden past it a thousand times an' watched a corner plot, where the grass grows quicker than it does anywheres else in the cemetery.

The Captain was not at all gratified by this proposal, but he answered, 'Ay, ay, put it anywheres, my lady lass, so long as you know where to find it again. It ain't o' no use to me, said the Captain. 'I wonder I haven't chucked it away afore now.

Purty fair slidin' up in the air 'most anywheres, ye know. Alwus come down by the nighest way. 'T was darker 'n pitch; could n't see a thing, nut a thing. Hearn Ray come out o' the box 'bove me. Then I come down k'slap in th' water 'n' sunk. Thought I 'd never stop goin' down. 'Fore I come up I hearn Ray rip int' th' water nigh me. I come up 'n' shook my head, 'n' waited.

"By George! pard, you ain't a-limpin' along!" ejaculated Bostil, admiringly, and he put a hand on the other's shoulder. "Bostil, I've a grand hoss," replied Burthwait. "He's four years old, I guess, fer he was born wild, an' you never seen him." "Wild hoss? ... Huh!" growled Bostil. "You must think he can run." "Why, Bostil, a streak of lightnin' ain't anywheres with him."

There wa'n't any way of tellin' whereabouts she was layin'; she might have been anywheres along them six miles, and you couldn't hear nothin' nor see nothin'. But anyhow, the wreckage kept comin' in below the cable station, so I jedged she was somewheres in that neighborhood and we got the boat out on the cart, of course and hauled it down there. "'Twas a tremendous job, too, that haulin' was.

"'What on earth is the matter? I sings out. 'What have I done this time? Don't you WANT me to go to the store? Is that it? "She put down her sewin'. 'Seth, says she, quiet but awful cold, 'I want you to go anywheres that you want to go. I never'll stand in your way. But I want you tell the truth about it afterwards. "'The truth? says I. 'Don't I always tell you the truth? "'No, says she.

And the man took advantage of his nearness to study him some more, lighting his pipe and running over the dog's excellent lines. "Some dog, some points," he said aloud approvingly. "Say, dog, you could pull down ribbons like a candy-kid in any bench show anywheres. Only thing against you is that ear, and I could almost iron it out myself. A vet. could do it."

"'Do you really want me to go anywheres, Emeline? says I, eager. 'Do you? I s'posed you didn't. If you'd asked "'Why should I always do the askin'? Must a wife always ask her husband? Doesn't the husband ever do anything on his own responsibility? Seth, I married you because I thought you was a strong, self-reliant man, who would advise me and protect me and