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In coming to anchor, as well as in tacking ship, each one had his station and duty. The light sails were clewed up and furled, the courses hauled up, and the jibs down; then came the topsails in the buntlines, and the anchor let go.

We loaded our canoe and made sail for Milly, where the chiefs were. We arrived at night, and found a great number of natives collected on the beach, to see if we had any fish. We hauled up our canoe for the night, and the natives began to question me about the ship. I told them I did not know, concluding it would be good policy to say but little on the subject.

The instant Ellis had heard Arden's cry and saw Ernest in the water, he leaped up and hauled the punt, towing astern, up alongside. "Wait, sir, wait till we are about," said Hobbs; "you'll be nearer to them then, and on the same side they are." Ellis saw this, and as the cutter came round he jumped into the punt and shoved off. Ernest saw his friend coming.

"You should hev prayed," cried old Deacon Towser, springing to his feet; "prayed long an' earnest." "Deacon," said Joe Digg, "I've heerd of your dyspepsy for nigh on to twenty year; did prayin' ever comfort your stomach?" The whole audience indulged in a profane laugh, and the good deacon was suddenly hauled down by his wife.

It represented but a mere fifty miles or so, over which they had only hauled one man's food in three days, with his blankets and a small shelter-tent he used when forced to stop away from one of the small huts he had built on the line. In fact, there had been little need of three dogs, but Papineau had taken them because it kept up their training.

Early in the morning Squire Hawkins took passage in a small steamboat, with his family and his two slaves, and presently the bell rang, the stage-plank; was hauled in, and the vessel proceeded up the river.

Then, as about a dozen hands climbed into the fore and main rigging and made their leisurely way aloft for the purpose of rolling up the topsails, a light, handsome gig was dropped into the water from the starboard quarter davits and presumably hauled alongside the gangway; but this I could not see, as she was presenting her port broadside to us which, by the way, I noticed, was garnished with five grinning twelve-pounders.

As our voyagers were not above two or three miles from this field, and were surrounded by loose ice, there was no time to deliberate. They hauled to the South; and though they happily got clear, it was not till the ships had received several hard knocks from the loose pieces, which were of the largest kind.

A few weeks ago I suggested to a conference of railroad nabobs at your house that you should organize a line of through freight cars, which should be loaded at Cairo, St. Louis, Chicago, or anywhere else in the West, and hauled through to New York, Boston, or anywhere else in the East, without breaking bulk.

We came up with her, however, and by the evening made her out to be no other than the Cleopatre, one of the frigates of which we were in search. Finding that she could not escape, even if she intended to do so, she hauled up her foresail, and lowered her topgallant-sail, bravely waiting for us.