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And yet in the equally shining passages of the same character, have heavily dragg'd the sentiment along, like a dead weight; with a long ton'd voice, and absent eye, as if they had fairly forgot what they were about: If you have never made this observation, I am contented you should not know where to apply it.

And sometimes too I have doubted, whether the produced Green might not be partly at least deriv'd from this, That the Beams that Rebound from the Corpuscles of the Orpiment, giving one kind of stroak upon the Retina, whose Perception we call Yellow, and the Beams Reflected from the Corpuscles of the Bise, giving another stroak upon the same Retina, like to Objects that are Blew, the Contiguity and Minuteness of these Corpuscles may make the Appulse of the Reflected Light fall upon the Retina within so narrow a Compass, that the part they Beat upon being but as it were a Physical point, they may give a Compounded stroak, which may consequently exhibit a Compounded and new Kind of Sensation, as we see that two Strings of a Musical Instrument being struck together, making two Noises that arrive at the Ear at the same time as to Sense, yield a Sound differing from either of them, and as it were Compounded of both; Insomuch that if they be Discordantly ton'd, though each of them struck apart would yield a Pleasing Sound, yet being struck together they make but a Harsh and troublesome Noise.