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On this line attached by a robust neck there rose an enormous spheroidal head. The head of what animal did it resemble from the point of view of passional analogy? The head of a bull; but a bull with an intelligent face. Eyes which at the least opposition would glow like coals of fire; and above them a permanent contraction of the superciliary muscle, an invariable sign of extreme energy.

These hairs, too, seem to have their representatives; for in the chimpanzee, and in certain species of Macacus, there are scattered hairs of considerable length rising from the naked skin above the eyes, and corresponding to our eyebrows; similar long hairs project from the hairy covering of the superciliary ridges in some baboons.

Sulivan, Sir B.J., on speaking of parrots; on two stallions attacking a third. Sumatra, compression of the nose by the Malays of. Sumner, Archb., man alone capable of progressive improvement. Sun-birds, nidification of. Superciliary ridge in man. Supernumerary digits, more frequent in men than in women; inheritance of; early development of. Superstitions, prevalence of. Superstitious customs.

Macacus, ears of; convoluted body in the extremity of the tail of; variability of the tail in species of; whiskers of species of. Macacus brunneus. Macacus cynomolgus, superciliary ridge of; beard and whiskers of; becoming white with age. Macacus ecaudatus. Macacus lasiotus, facial spots of. Macacus nemestrinus. Macacus radiatus. Macacus rhesus, sexual difference in the colour of.