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When you find yourself in the presence of one who is fertile of medical opinions, and affluent in stories of marvellous cures, of a member of Congress whose name figures in certificates to the value of patent medicines, of a voluble dame who discourses on the miracles she has wrought or seen wrought with the little jokers of the sugar-of-milk globule-box, take out your watch and count the pulse; also note the time of day, and charge the price of a visit for every extra fifteen, or, if you are not very busy, every twenty minutes.

When you find yourself in the presence of one who is fertile of medical opinions, and affluent in stories of marvellous cures, of a member of Congress whose name figures in certificates to the value of patent medicines, of a voluble dame who discourses on the miracles she has wrought or seen wrought with the little jokers of the sugar-of-milk globule-box, take out your watch and count the pulse; also note the time of day, and charge the price of a visit for every extra fifteen, or, if you are not very busy, every twenty minutes.

The sugar of milk should first be dissolved in the warm water, and then the fresh milk unboiled should be mixed with it. The sweetening of the above food with sugar-of-milk, instead of with lump sugar, makes the food more to resemble the mother's own milk.

"Kläre," she said, "I am going into the town to inquire after Frau von Stuckardt. Would you like me to call in at the chemist's and tell him he is to send you the sugar-of-milk for the baby?" Frau Kläre took stock of the young girl, and shook her finger at her laughingly. "Mariechen! Mariechen!" she said. "I never would have believed you could become such an accomplished hypocrite, my child."