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Updated: October 20, 2024
Jupiter in his seraglio above, not finding one that can please his appetite, sins upon earth, yet injures nobody: the nymph wou'd have stifl'd her passion for Hylas, had she believ'd the lusty Hercules wou'd have been his rival: Apollo turns Hyacinth into a flower: and every image enjoy'd its wishes without a rival: but I have caress'd, as the dearest friend, the greatest villain.
And to compleat my misery, neither Tryphoena spoke to me as her acquaintance, and once grateful lover; nor did Gito think me worth drinking to; or what's the least he cou'd, common discourse with him: I believe he was tender of the new return of her favours, and afraid to give her another occasion to fall out with him: Grief forc'd a flood of tears from my eyes, and I stifl'd my complaints, till I was ready to expire.
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