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The flask is heated in a water-bath, and the vapours condensed by a Liebig's condenser. In the case of phosphorus the condenser should be of glass, and the process of distillation conducted in the dark, so that the luminosity of the phosphorus may be noted. For the separation of an alkaloid, the following is the process of Stas-Otto.

The alkaloid may be separated by the process of Stas-Otto. Tests.

Extraction from contents of stomach by Stas-Otto process. It may be found in the urine; gives usual alkaloidal reactions, but no distinctive chemical test known. Tests. Chiefly physiological; tingling and numbness when applied to tongue or inner surface of cheek. Effects on mice, etc. A cadaveric alkaloid or ptomaine has been found in the body, possessing many of the actions of aconitine.

Emetics freely; infusions containing tannin, as coffee, tea, oak-bark, galls, etc. Stimulants. Hypodermic injection of 1/120 grain of aconitine. Method of Extraction from the Stomach, etc. Use Stas-Otto process. Tests for Digitalin. A white substance, sparingly soluble in water, not changed by nitric acid; turns yellow, changing to green, with hydrochloric acid.

Method of Extraction from the Stomach. Use Stas-Otto process. Test. The contraction of the pupil which it causes. =Tobacco.= Nicotiana tabacum owes its poisonous properties to its alkaloid nicotine, a volatile, oily, amber-coloured liquid, with an acrid taste and ethereal odour; soluble in water, alcohol, ether, and chloroform.

Congested brain and lungs; redness of the mucous membrane of the stomach. The stomach and intestines should be examined for fragments of the leaves and fruit, recognized by their microscopical appearances. Treatment. Emetics, tannic acid or gallic acid. Diffusible stimulants. Method of Extraction from the Stomach. Use Stas-Otto process. Tests. The mousy odour.