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When the party has arrived at the shore, they strip every rag off the widow, and throw it into the surf; and a thoughtful female relative having brought a suit of dark blue baft with her for the occasion, the widow is clothed in this and returns home, where a suitable festival is held, after which she may marry again; but if she were to marry before this ceremony, the Srah of the husband would play the mischief with husband number two or three, and so on, as the case might be.

On the Gold Coast they bury very quickly, as they are always telling you, usually on the day after death, rarely later than the third day, even among the natives; and the spirit, or Srah, of the dead man is supposed to hang about his wives and his house until the ceremony of purification is carried out. This is done, needless to say, with uproar.

This mint they burn, some of it in the house, the rest they place upon pans of live coals and carry round the widow as she goes in their midst down to the surf, her relatives singing aloud to the Srah of the departed husband, telling him that now he is dead and has done with the lady he must leave her.

Rah! rah! rah!" Rutgers "Rah, rah, rah! Bow-wow-wow! Rochester University "Waxico, waxico, waxico, wax! Waxico, waxico, waxico, wax! Brek-k-ks Brek-k-ks, ah-h-ah! University of Washington "U. of W.! Hiah! Hiah! U. of W.! U. of W.! Siah! Siah! Shooken' Shookem! Hobart College "Hip-ho-bart! Hip-ho-bart! Hip-ho, hip-ho, HIP-HO- BART!" Syracuse University "Srah Srah Srah Sy-ra-cuse!"