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Evan checked his smile, and, taking her hand, said: 'I must tell you; that, on the whole, I see nothing to regret in what has happened to-day. You may notice a change in the manners of the servants and some of the country squiresses, but I find none in the bearing of the real ladies, the true gentlemen, to me. 'Because the change is too fine for you to perceive it, interposed the Countess.

The one milliner's shop was full of fat squiresses, buying muslin ammunition, to make the ball go off; and the attics, even at four o'clock, were thronged with rubicund damsels, who were already, as Shakspeare says of waves in a storm, "'Curling their monstrous heads." Jusqu'au revoir le ciel vous tienne tous en joie. Moliere. I was now pretty well tried of Garrett Park.

It need not be wondered at if the brilliant coup d'oeil of the ball-room, as I entered, struck me with astonishment, accustomed as I had hitherto been to nothing more magnificent than an evening party of squires and their squiresses or the annual garrison ball at the barracks.

The one milliner's shop was full of fat squiresses, buying muslin ammunition, to make the ball go off; and the attics, even at four o'clock, were thronged with rubicund damsels, who were already, as Shakspeare says of waves in a storm, "'Curling their monstrous heads." Jusqu'au revoir le ciel vous tienne tous en joie. Moliere. I was now pretty well tried of Garrett Park.

Evan checked his smile, and, taking her hand, said: 'I must tell you; that, on the whole, I see nothing to regret in what has happened to-day. You may notice a change in the manners of the servants and some of the country squiresses, but I find none in the bearing of the real ladies, the true gentlemen, to me. 'Because the change is too fine for you to perceive it, interposed the Countess.