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Religiously oriented intentional communities may be found today in many of the countries composing western civilization. What concerns us here is the split of western civilization into two broadly divergent groups: capitalism and socialism-communism. Capitalism, in its present monopoly form, is the outcome of a thousand years of development.

Spectacular achievements of socialism-communism, particularly in East Europe and Asia, added to the previous fragmentation a new line of division between capitalist West Europe and socialist East Europe. This process of fragmentation is giving separatist forces ascendancy over the forces of integration and unification.

The breakdown of western civilization, a negative reaction, has been accompanied by a planet-wide drive to replace the concepts, forms and practices of civilization by the concepts, forms and practices of socialism-communism. Socialism-communism as a way of life for nations and continents is a new experiment on the planet earth.

Their network of interests and controls was planet-wide. Literally they were the backbone of western civilization. II. Builders of socialism-communism, an alternative and rival life pattern, have been concentrated in East Europe and Asia. The socialists-communists occupied a minority position in most of the countries dominated by big business.

It also opens the way for the Marxists to demonstrate the workability of socialism-communism as a lifestyle for Asians and, presumably, for other segments of the Third World.