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Updated: January 29, 2025
Shou'dst thou stab here a thousand gaping Wounds, Upon this false, this perjur'd Heart of mine, It wou'd not part with Life, unless 'twere laid Near to the Sacred Altar of my Vows, Low at the Feet of my fair injur'd Wife. Friend. Canst thou repent thy Injuries to her, And leave the rest of all thy Sins neglected? Bel.
No, since my Passion thou'st defeated thus, And robb'd me of my long-wish'd Happiness, I'll make thee know what a wrong'd Maid can do, Divided 'twixt her Love and Injuries too. Bel. I dare thy worst; Shou'd Hell assist thy Aims, thou cou'dst not find, New Plagues, unless thou shou'dst continue kind, Hard Fate, Diana, when thy Love must be The greatest Curse that can arrive to me.
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