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For himself he scorned "la curiosité," and its devotees, as mere triflers and shell-gatherers on shores bathed by the great ocean of science. But like all natural rulers of men he was quick to seize on any weakness that suited his own ends; and he said to himself that Faversham was safe. "They are valuable?" he asked, as Melrose still sat absorbed. "They are," was the curt reply.

It was getting on toward sunset indeed, the sun had already disappeared behind the high ground to the westward of the fort and the doctor with his two fair companions had ascended to the flat, rampart-like roof of the building to enjoy the cool, refreshing breeze and watch for the return of the shell-gatherers, when the sound of a musket-shot, quickly followed by some five or six others, broke upon the air with startling effect, and immediately afterwards the head of a lofty triangular sail glided into view from behind some tall bushes which had hitherto concealed its approach.

But, in the present case, the "festival" does not prove satisfactory, as the diving has yielded a poor return, and others of the savages therefore prepare to explore the kelp-bed the reef being now above water. Presently, enough of it is bare to afford footing, and off go the shell-gatherers in their canoes, taking the dogs along with them.

The shell-gatherers remain on the reef till the rising water forces them to quit.