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Under all the heads, into which he has divided his work, he has introduced authentic and curious notices of the agriculture, arts, manners, domestic life, &c. of the Turks. The third volume was published under the superintendence of his son. Voyage dans la Grèce Asiatique. Par Sestini. Paris, 1789, 8vo.

Opposite the front entrance is the high altar, while all around the walls and between the side altars erected in 1557 by Vasari by order of Cosimo I. are the monuments of the illustrious dead. First of all on the left there is Domenico Sestini, a celebrated numismatist, whose bust was carved by Pozzetti.

Reisen durch einen Theil Deutschlands, die Schweitz, Italien, und Griechenland. 8vo. Gotha, 1822. Bemerkungen auf einer Reise aus Nord Deutschland, uber Francfort, nach dem sudlichen Franckreich. 1819. 8vo. Leips. 1822. Lettere Scritte della Sicilia e della Turkia. Dall. Abbote D. Sestini, 1774-78. Florence, 1780. 3 vols. 8vo.

In the various branches of learning we need mention a few of the greater writers. In astronomy, we find Ricci, Perry, De Vico, Secchi, Curley, Sestini. In mathematics, Hagen, Algué. In archæology, Garucci, Marchi, the master of De Rossi. In Oriental languages, Strassmaier, Harvas, Maas, Van den Gheyn. In theology, Suarez, Vasquez, Toletus, Maldonatus, Franzelin.