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Another damaging shock, followed by another series of bad attacks the old spells, chills and internal revolutions had returned. She rapidly became useless and a burden. The school-doctor sent her a thousand miles to another specialist. We first met Clara Denny effervescent, winning, almost charming a sixteen-year-old minx. Let us scrutinize her at thirty-six. What a deformation!

She didn't seem to know how to take sickness, though the Lord knows she's had plenty of chances to learn since her sore arm; and the school-doctor had to lance a small place, and this kept her away from Commencement where they had some part for her to do.

The reasonableness of this step is so obvious that it should scarcely need insistence. "The instruction of school-boys and school-girls is most adequately effected by an elderly doctor," Näcke remarks, "sometimes perhaps the school-doctor." Moll is of the same opinion. I have further developed this argument in "Religion and the Child," Nineteenth Century and After, 1907.

The school-doctor sent her home, "for the southern climate," where she remained for a year, rather frail and the object of much detailed, maternal solicitude. It was probably this same solicitude which finally became so wearying that she returned to school for relief.