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He did not know what to do with it, and Leopold advised him to put it in Herr Schlager's safe. They went to the watch-maker's for this purpose. In front of the shop they saw Deacon Bowman engaged in an earnest conversation with Squire Moses Wormbury. Stumpy heard his grandfather say something about "bonus" as he passed him. "There's a trade," said he to Leopold, as they entered the shop.

Stumpy went out of the shop, and while he pretended to be looking at the goods in Herr Schlager's window, he listened to the conversation till the two men separated, and the deacon entered the watch-maker's shop. "You are driving a hard trade, with Squire Moses," said Stumpy, following the deacon into the shop. "Did you hear it?" asked Deacon Bowman, with a troubled expression.

Leopold was interested in that strong box, for the reason that it contained his own savings. For six months he had been hoarding up every penny he earned for a purpose, and he had placed his money in the hands of his uncle for safe keeping. Perhaps Herr Schlager's iron safe was as much the occasion of his confidence in his uncle as the fact of their relationship.

Every night the results of the games throughout the league were posted up on the blackboard in front of Schlager's hardware store, and to see the way in which the crowd stood around it, and streamed across the street toward it, you'd have thought they were giving away gas stoves and hammock couches.