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In the meantime the fierce feud between William the Testy and Killian Van Rensellaer, which at first had menaced deadly warfare, gradually cooled off, like many other war questions, in the prolonged delays of diplomacy.

Anthony Lispenard, of New-York. P. Van Courtlandt, of Westchester James Burt, of Orange. Gilbert Livingston, of Dutchess. Thomas Jenkins, of Columbia. Peter Van Ness, of Columbia. Robert Ellis, of Saratoga. John Woodworth, of Rensellaer. J. Van Rensellaer, of Albany. Jacob Eacker, of Montgomery, and William Floyd, of Suffolk. The vote stood: Republican. Federal.

This assumption of sovereign authority within the territories of the Lords States General, however it might have been tolerated by Walter the Doubter, had been sharply contested by William the Testy, on coming into office and many written remonstrances had been addressed by him to Killian Van Rensellaer, to which the latter never deigned a reply.

Taking the pipe slowly out of his mouth, "To whom should I lower my flag?" demanded he. "To the high and mighty Killian Van Rensellaer, the lord of Rensellaersteen!" was the reply. "I lower it to none but the Prince Orange and my masters, the Lords States General." So saying, he resumed his pipe and smoked with an air of dogged determination.

Anthony Lispenard, of New-York. P. Van Courtlandt, of Westchester James Burt, of Orange. Gilbert Livingston, of Dutchess. Thomas Jenkins, of Columbia. Peter Van Ness, of Columbia. Robert Ellis, of Saratoga. John Woodworth, of Rensellaer. J. Van Rensellaer, of Albany. Jacob Eacker, of Montgomery, and William Floyd, of Suffolk. The vote stood: Republican. Federal.