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I say "misleading," for while both his and my definitions equally admit the existence of "Radiant Matter," he drags in the hypothesis that the radiant matter is actually the disintegrated material of the poles. Puluj declares that the phenomena I have described in high vacua are produced by his irregularly shaped lumps of radiant electrode matter.

The great difference between Puluj and me lies in his statement that "the matter which fills the dark space consists of mechanical detached particles of the electrodes which are charged with statically negative electricity, and move progressively in a straight direction."

To these mechanically detached particles of the electrodes, "of different sizes, often large lumps," Puluj attributes all the phenomena of heat, force and phosphorescence that I from time to time have described in my several papers. Puluj objects energetically to my definition "Radiant Matter," and then proposes in its stead the misleading term "Radiant Electrode Matter."

In recording my investigations on the subject of radiant matter and the state of gaseous residues in high vacua under electrical strain, I must refer to certain attacks on the views I have propounded. This volume contains two memoirs, one by Hittorff on the "Conduction of Electricity in Gases," and the other by Puluj on "Radiant Electrode Matter and the So-called Fourth State." Dr.

Puluj has no authority for linking my theory of a fourth state of matter with the highly transcendental doctrine of four dimensional space.