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After some time, the cacique ordered one of his attendants to take from a petaca, or a kind of trunk, the presents which he had brought for the Spaniards.

The name passed to the plaited grass cigar-cases that are exported to Europe; and now in Spain any kind of cigar-case is called a petaca.

Wallace observed the same method of striking a light in Ternate. Centigrade is changed to Fahrenheit by multiplying by nine-fifths and adding thirty-two. The inhabitants of the Philippines call this petate, and from the Mexican petla-calli, a mat "house," derive petaca, a cigar case. Four lines, re an omitted sketch, left out. Voyage en Chine, vol. II., page 33.

From Ocute to Cutifa-chiqui, may bee some hundred and thirtie leagues, whereof 80. are wildernesse. From Cutifa-chiqui to Xualla, two hundred and fiftie, and it is an hillie Countrie. The Gouernour departed from Xualla toward Guaxule: he passed very rough and hie hilles. She carried away with her a little chest made of canes in manner of a coffer, which they call Petaca, full of vnbored perles.