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Parlementaires were sent to the Germans, who received them with a volley of rifle shots and endeavored to escape during the night. The majority were killed and the survivors surrendered. Several batteries and a large quantity of war material remained to the French. On the 28th, along the entire length of the sector, they were immediately in front of the second German line.

Then, daily, went the German parlementaires under the white flag, that standard the enemy know so well how to use, to the British General praying that he would occupy Tabora while Wable kept the Belgians in check.

The principal printed collection of cahiers, together with much preliminary matter, may be found in the first six volumes of the Archives Parlementaires, edited by MM. Mavidal et Laurent, Paris. The seventh volume consists of an index, which, although very imperfect, is necessary to an intelligent study of the cahiers.

It was a notable feature of the communal expenses, that the lord of the village shared them with his poorer neighbors. See the cahier of the Artignose in Provence, Archives parlementaires, vi. 249. "Clochers et autres batiments generaux. The public meetings of these little communities were held on certain Sundays of the year after mass, or after vespers.