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The American, Charles K. Spencer, recently residing at Embankment Hotel, is paying Miss Helen Wynton's expenses, including cost of publishing her articles. He followed her on the day of her departure, and has since asked Mackenzie for introduction. Pargrave greatly annoyed, and holds Mackenzie at your disposal. Helen went very white; but she spoke with a firmness that was amazing, even to Bower.

"Who is Kennett?" she said. "One of my confidential clerks." "And Pargrave?" "The proprietor of 'The Firefly." "Did Millicent know of this plot?" "Yes." Then she murmured a broken prayer. "Ah, dear Heaven!" she complained, "for what am I punished so bitterly?" Karl, the voluble and sharp-eyed, retailed a bit of gossip to Stampa that evening as they smoked in Johann Klucker's chalet.

Bower watched her face with a maleficent confidence that might have warned her had she seen it. But she paid heed to nothing else at that moment save the mysterious words scrawled in a foreign handwriting: "Have investigated 'Firefly' incident fully. Pargrave compelled Mackenzie to explain.

"Have I got to answer your question?" "You're my wife, although you don't seem to know it; and I object to Pargrave." "I can't help that, Marty. I like him, you see, and humble little person as I am, I can't be expected to turn my back on every one except the men you choose for me." "I don't choose any men for you. I want you for myself." "Dear old Marty, but you've got me forever!"