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Besides the Gours we have mentioned, there are three spots in the Morvan that deserve attention in connection with fishing. These are Sermiselle, Pierre Pertuis, and the Château des Panolas. Sermiselle, at the junction of the Cure and the Cousin, at which point the road from Paris to Lyons passes, is a charming village, full of life and gaiety.

On the Cousin, which flows majestically through some of the most magnificent pastures in the world, and on the summit of a large hill, stands the charming Château des Panolas, the towers and walls of which, covered with pointed roofs and weather-cocks, and surrounded by domes, belvederes, and old-fashioned dovecots, give it at a distance the appearance of some oriental building.

Fishing in Le Morvan The naturalists The Gour of Akin The English lady The mountain streams Château de Chatelux Sermiselle New mode of killing pike Pierre Pertuis The rocks and whirlpool there The syrens of the grotto Château des Panolas The Cousin The ponds of Marot and lakes of Lomervo Mode of taking fish with live trimmers The Scotch farmer.