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"I must be going now, Mr. Haas my mother " "That's right. The minute a man tries to break the ice with this little lady, it's a freeze-out. Now, what did I say so bad? In business, too. Never seen the like. It's like trying to swat a fly to come down on you at the right minute. But now, with you for a nothing-in-law, I got rights." "If you ain't the limit, Mr. Haas!" "Don't mind saying it, Mrs.

But now, with you for a nothing-in-law, I got rights." "If you ain't the limit, Mr. Haas!" "Don't mind saying it, Mrs. C., and, for a bachelor, they tell me I'm not the worst judge in the world, but there's not a woman on the floor stacks up like you do." "Well of all things!" "Mean it." "My mother, Mr. Haas, she "

Before it's time for the ride home, she must rest in a quiet place." "My car'll be here and waiting five minutes after I telephone." "You sure have been grand, Mr. Haas!" "I shouldn't be grand yet to my let's see what relation is it I am to you?" "Honest, you're a case, Mr. Haas always making fun!" "My poor dead sister's son marries your daughter. That makes you my nothing-in-law." "Honest, Mr.

Before it's time for the ride home she must rest in a quiet place." "My car'll be here and waiting five minutes after I telephone." "You sure have been grand, Mr. Haas!" "I shouldn't be grand yet to my Let's see what relation is it I am to you?" "Honest, you're a case, Mr. Haas always making fun!" "My poor dead sister's son marries your daughter. That makes you my nothing-in-law." "Honest, Mr.