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Updated: September 29, 2024
A mist of smoke had switched off the gleam of starlight, and the moon and mock-moons wore the tarnished hue of silver that has lost its burnish. The ghosts of the aurora no longer trod their measure of stately minuet. They had passed into the world of shadow to which they rightly belonged.
In the sky directly in front of Bennett as he issued from the tent three moons, hooped in a vast circle of nebulous light, shone roseate through a fine mist, while in the western heavens streamers of green, orange, and vermilion light, immeasurably vast, were shooting noiselessly from horizon to zenith. But Bennett had more on his mind that morning than mock-moons and auroras.
The companions whom he had decided to invite were: Wilson, Mew, and Maitland. He said it at dinner; and as he said it, David Wilson glanced at my wan face with a smile of pleased malice: for I was left out. I remember well: the aurora that night was in the sky, and at its edge floated a moon surrounded by a ring, with two mock-moons.
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