United States or Saint Barthélemy ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The Bearer answers for the MackInnans, MackLeods of Rasa at least . . . . . 300 The Bearer answers for the Chisolms . . . 200 The Bearer answers for the Robertsons . . . 250 Camerons . . . 500 Stuart of Alpin . . . 250 McNeals of Barra . . . 150 MackPhersons . . . 350 McIntoshes . . . 350 Frazers . . . 400 MackGregors . . . 200 Athol men, at least . . . 500 Out of Brodulbin . . . . 300

I had all the Canoes put into the water and every article which was intended to be Sent down put on board, and the horses collected and packed with what fiew articles I intend takeing with me to the River Rochejhone, and after brackfast we all Set out at the Same time & proceeded on Down Jeffersons river on the East Side through Sarviss Vally and rattle snake mountain and into that butifull and extensive Vally open and fertile which we Call the beaver head Vally which is the Indian name in their language Har na Hap pap Chah. from the No. of those animals in it & a pt. of land resembling the head of one this Vally extends from the rattle Snake Mountain down Jeffersons river as low as fraziers Creek above the big horn mountain and is from 12 to 30 miles in width and miles on a direct line in length and Jeffersons river in passing through this Vally reives McNeals Creek, Track Creek, Phalanthrophy river, Wisdom river, Fields river and Fraziers Creek each throw in a considerable quantity of water and have innoumerable beaver and otter on them; the bushes in their low bottoms are the resort for great numbers of Deer, and in the higher parts of the Vally we see Antelopes scattered feeding.