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When they reached the meadow, there were many people there. The Malaki's wife was sitting on the grass, with men grouped around her, and she was laughing with them. But she did not recognize her husband when he came riding up. After everybody had arrived, they set fire to the long grass, and burned off the meadow, so as to bring the wild pigs and the deer out of ambush.

Although his hut looked small and poor, the Basolo possessed treasures of brass and beads and fine textiles. He had a kabir, from which darted forked lightning; and in the bag was a betel-box and a necklace of pure gold. One day when the Malaki's sister went to look at her hemp, she felt curious to go inside the Basolo's house.

In the soft soil close to the house, he found the footprints of the woman; and, following the prints, he traced her to the Malaki's house. Right there the footprints ended. The Basolo stood at the foot of the steps, and called, "Who has been in my house?" Then he ran up the ladder and rushed into the house, screaming to the Malaki's sister, "Give me back my gold necklace!

As he looked at the beautiful ornaments all thrown on the ground, he heard the voice of the Malaki Dugdag Lobis Manginsulu calling to him, "Do not come up, because your wife is mine." Then the two malaki went to fighting with sword and spear. After a sharp fight, the Manigthum was killed, and the Malaki Dugdag Lobis Maginsulu had the Bia for his wife. The Malaki's Sister and the Basolo