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The fire, too, had spread in an easterly direction, and consuming three churches, namely, Saint Andrew's, in Botolph-lane, Saint Mary's, in Love-lane, and Saint Dunstan's in the East, had invaded Tower-street, and seemed fast approaching the ancient fortress.

I recollect going along Love-lane many a time with my dear wife, when we were sweethearting. At the bottom of Richmond-row used to be the kennels of the Liverpool Hunt Club. They were at one time kept on the North-shore. I was very sorry when the Ranelagh Gardens were broken up. The owner, Mr. Gibson, was the brother of the Mr. Many a time have I played in the Folly Tea Gardens.

Who knows, indeed.... And yet To me, when nights are weird and wet, Without those comrades there at tryst Creeping slowly, creeping sadly, That love-lane does not exist. There they seem brooding on their pain, And will, while such a lane remain. And death is no kinder than life to lovers: I shall rot here, with those whom in their day You never knew.

Master Harry's replying to Boots' suggestion, that they should wile away the time by a walk down Love-lane "'Get out with you, Cobbs! that was that there boy's expression." The glee of the children was prettily told too on their finding "Good Cobbs! Dear Cobbs!" among the strangers around them at their temporary halting-place.