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Its entire area may be estimated at about a hundred thousand square miles. It was thus larger than Great Britain, about the size of Italy, and rather less than half the size of France. It is nearly represented in modern times by the two Persian provinces of Farsistan and Laristan, the former of which retains, but slightly changed, the ancient appellation.

"Yes, miss. The boss's orders." "And if any one does inquire you are to report at once." "That, too." The boy rolled back the door and Kitty stepped out upon a Laristan runner of rose hues and cobalt blue. She wondered what it cost Cutty to keep up an establishment like this.

Casbin, Curdistan , Laristan, Susistan or Chorassan, Spahan, Ispahan or Fars, Shiras , Soncara , and lastly Timochaim, which is near Arboreseco, towards the north . Persia breeds excellent horses, which are sold to the Indies; also very good asses, which are sold for a higher price than the horses, because they eat little, carry much, and travel far.