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"Even the trivial fact that in the year 1865 a picture by Greuze entitled La Jeune Fille a l'Agneau fetched one million two hundred thousand francs more than forty thousand pounds at the Portalis sale may start a train of reflection in your mind." It was clear that it did. The inspector looked honestly interested.

"Even the trivial fact that in the year 1865 a picture by Greuze entitled La Jeune Fille a l'Agneau fetched one million two hundred thousand francs more than forty thousand pounds at the Portalis sale may start a train of reflection in your mind." It was clear that it did. The inspector looked honestly interested.

On a squeaking sign before the ancient stone structure, which looked as if it must have been there in the days of post-chaises, a frolicsome lamb danced upon his hind legs, smiling to all who paused there an invitation to join him in this innocent pastime and not take the world too seriously. The good humor of the crude painting appealed to Monte. He grinned back at L'Agneau dansant.

The two cars, both travelling at high speed, encountered each other at the head of the Rue de l'Agneau, directly in front of the American Consulate. Vice-Consul Van Hee, standing in the doorway, was an eyewitness of what followed.

So, with her lips set, she stumbled along the Cornice Road by his side. At five that evening they had made half their journey and stopped at a wayside inn the inn of L'Agneau dansant.