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Bright's Travels in Lower Hungary a full description of the powerful hydraulic machinery invented by M. Holl, Chief Engineer of the Imperial Mines, which had been in use since the year 1749, in pumping water from a depth of 1800 feet, from the silver and gold mines of Schemnitz and Kremnitz.

Such things were no less than flagrant infringements of the Council of Linz, and had lost the parish four Kremnitz ducats. Thence the learned gentleman proceeded to Zeb, where he inquired after Henry's father, old Catsrider. No one had ever heard such a name at Zeb. The father and grandfather of Henry had always been called the vihodar, and that was all.

And as the King was old and had no heirs, he put them on the throne in his place. And they ruled as only kings rule who have suffered many things. And if they are not dead they are still living and ruling happily. Rumanische Marchen ubersetzt von Nite Kremnitz. ONCE upon a time there lived a King and Queen. They had three sons, two of them with their wits about them, but the third a simpleton.

Did the Consistory conceal the fact from your reverence when they recapitulated the emoluments of the benefice a denarius for each baptism, a Mary-florin for each burial, and a Kremnitz ducat for the last sacraments administered to each poor felon?" "To tell you the truth," stammered Henry, "I did not go very closely into the question of the temporalities.

A pretty woman needs no bridle to make a horse of a bearded man like we witches do. She needs only a silken thread, the silken thread of her wheedling voice. The hand with which a pretty woman strokes her husband's cheek is a real gold mine, far more productive than the gold mines of Kremnitz. But a woman who wants an answer to the second question must have money.