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Example: Wagogo, is the people of Gogo; Mgogo, is a Gogo man; Ugogo, is the country of Gogo; and Kigogo, the language of Gogo. The only direction here necessary as regards pronunciation of native words refers to the u, which represents a sound corresponding to that of the oo in woo. Journal of the Discovery of The Source of the Nile London to Zanzibar, 1859

Perhaps all, and I should have been left with my boy gunbearers to have my jugular deliberately severed, or to be decapitated, leaving my head to adorn a tall pole in the centre of a Kigogo village, like poor Monsieur Maizan's at Dege la Mhora, in Uzaramo. Happy end of an Expedition! And the Doctor's Journal lost for ever the fruits of six years' labor!

My three doti were at once measured out with the longest fore-arm according to Kigogo measure and sent off by Bombay; but the Arabs, almost in despair, declared they would be ruined if they gave way to such demands, and out of the five doti demanded sent only two, with a pleading to the Sultan that he would consider what was paid as just and fair Muhongo, and not ask any more.