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Yonder diverging roads both led to fairy land and worlds of marvel the one to Florac, so majestically placed under the colossal shadow of the Causse Mejean and above the lovely valley of the Jonte; the other across the steppe of Sauveterre and by the strange dwellings of the Caussenards to the picturesque little town of St. Eminie, the rapids of the Tarn, and the dolomite city.

Rain at length interned the traveller for three days in a little place called Meyrueis, which lies sweetly in the valley of the Jonte, at its confluence with the Butézon, long leagues remote from railroads and the world they stitch together that world of unrest, uncertainty and intrigue which in those days seemed no better than a madhouse.

There is also a Protestant school at 27, Rue des Bois, près du Bois de Boulogne, for which the charge amounts to £60 per annum. Apply to the lady directress, Mademoiselle Jonte. A COLONIAL SUBJECT. The illuminating body mentioned is used on parchment and hot-pressed drawing-paper. It is mixed with the water-colours to render them opaque.

He was to learn there is nothing more unpalatable than the repentance of the headstrong.... He found it a stiffish climb up out of the valley of the Jonte. By the time he had managed it, the sun had already robbed all vegetation of its ephemeral jewellery, the Causse itself showed few signs of a downpour which had drenched it for seventy-two hours on end.