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Our language, and that of all civilized peoples on the globe, must be thoroughly recast, not only in its philological and etymological character, but in its ideologic, etiologic, and other significations, before we can successfully fall back on an antecedent cause without an effect, or an effect without an antecedent cause.

Strange to say, the first thing the devil usually prescribes is a blonde Gretchen, or something like her." Miss Burns remained silent, and Frederick felt himself under the necessity of continuing. "I don't know whether it is of interest to you to learn something of the remarkable adventures of a German scholar and ideologic bankrupt." Miss Burns laughed and said: "A bankrupt?

It has often treated indifferent subjects in a grand style, and it has too easily beheld life from the anecdotal side. It has too willingly denied all that exists hidden under the apparent reality of the universe and has affected to separate painting from the ideologic faculties which rule over all art.

Farther on in the same work Scurla states: Out of its fundamental ideologic view, however, Germany rejects every form of imperialism, even that of peaceful penetration.

We can here only indicate with a few words the considerable part played by Besnard: his clever work has proved that the scientific colour principles of Impressionism may be applied, not to realism, but to the highest thoughts, to ideologic painting most nobly inspired by the modern intellectual preoccupations. He is the transition between Impressionism and the art of to-morrow.