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Updated: September 5, 2024
I-na-na' is the first period of the year, and the first period of the season Cha-kon'. It is the period, as they say, of no more work in the rice sementeras that is, practically all fields are prepared and transplanted. It began in 1903 on February 11. It lasts about three months, continuing until the time of the first harvest of the rice or "palay" crop in May; in 1903 this was until May 2.
This ceremony, performed by Som-kad' of ato Sipaat, occurs in the first period of the year, I-na-na'. The usual pig or chicken is killed, and the priest says: "In-fi-kus'-na ay pa-ku' to-mo-no'-ka ad chay'-ya." This is: "Fruit of the palay, grow up tall, even to the sky." Keeng Ke'-eng ceremony is for the protection of the palay.
On February 10, 1903, the rice having been practically all transplanted in Bontoc, was begun the first of a five-day general ceremony for abundant and good fruitage of the season's palay. It was at the close of the period I-na-na'.
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